S A R A J E V O  R E V E L A T I O N S


This book is perfumed with the (Islamic) gnosis. Written in a tekke solitude of her home, it transcends a personal will and choice of the recorder of Sarajevo revelations, which were it's initiations. In case that, after reading, be a least good will, that "heart gnosis" (which sees), "ma'rifatu`l-qalb", be accepted as a starting science among all other sciences, then the four-year endeavour about it, overcoming often the human capacities of this Author, would certainly have a sense. 
However, the classic thesis of the Muslim sages on gnostic progenesis of all other cognitions, was by no means its starting point. (As, indeed, it was not any other hypothesis). A "Mysterious" leading this Author into the evincements of the Universal ritual prayer as a physical and spiritual re/Creation, but also cognisance of the World. which - hermeneutically - emerges from it, does not seek any confirmation of its originality. It is sufficient to respond to the Author's call on her reading the Book /Univers, which she refers you to, by both its text and it's diagrams accompanying it, so to a truly responsive perceives all the originality of her venture. And to, along with her, as decoding the upper syntagma, reads heart, qalb, from the Metaphysical core of the Existence of Universe, while the cognisance of It, that is ma'rifah (or better, the highest 'irfān), from the Transcendental Core of Its Being, around which two nuclei of the Whole: 
- By It-Itself-Proved Existence, and 
- Invisible Womb of The Essences/Existent-in-Itself, 
is being born "a heart cognisance", able to offer a common, general, Divine, lighting paradigm to all other sciences. Here it is a completely unique starting point, and  a completely original onset of this book, which, I admit, already with the complexity of its introduction, risks to discourage a passenger through it. But have not been always so that just the patient ones were rewarded! 
That 'irfān/gnosis, accompanied by the vision a priori to the experience, an uninformed reader will learn in more detail from what follows. But the same one  is obliged to have constantly in mind that today's understanding of gnosis, scattered across the Internet often in the most grotesque variations, have nothing in common with what the original Greek term gnosis means as a cognisance of the highest order. It should be added that this kind of knowledge has its own specific way of the presentation, its own discourse, which necessarily follows the singularity of the personal experience of an author. Because, where helps not any kind of learning or cognitive endeavor, there is at work an immediate - existential - tasting of The Secret, Whose veils of The Light fall not but before those truly thirsty.   >>>

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